This week is FINALS WEEK!! ...not for me of course. I'm still looking for work, however, things ARE looking good at Comcast so keep your fingers crossed!!
Kyle's been pretty stressed out with all the studying, plus taking care of his knee and going to Physical Therapy. Kyle has two finals each day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. He has a little snack break in between, so I decided to make him a "Purple Palmer Pride" snack!! Palmer's colors are purple and white, so I filled his snack bag with purple snacks! I made "blueberry" muffins that I dyed purple, gave him grapes, and a purple frost gatorade. The perfect snack for a morning of test taking! Take a look:
We leave for Hawaii on Friday...can't wait! Drew also booked his ticket today to come visit us Wednesday April 4th! So Kyle and I have two fun weeks ahead of us! YAY!!