Sunday, January 29, 2012

What a Weekend!?!

This past weekend was off to a busy start.

Cherry Creek HS had their first unified basketball game of the season on Friday before their varsity boys team played. All the students with disabilities were allowed to participate, and I've never seen the stands so full!! The students were getting cheered on by everyone and the smiles on their faces were priceless.

Saturday morning I was up early to head with Janelle to the stadium. We helped her girls get ready for competition, braiding and curling their hair, putting on makeup, and going over their routine a few final times. Then we headed to the Coliseum to watch them compete at All Star State Championship competition. Travis Prior, who used to be our spirit director at CU was directing the competition and it was good catching up with him. I saw Liz and Ashley there too, they were coaching a new all star team as well!  The Broncos Sparkle team competed their pom routine and then also competed their hip hop routine for the first time! They did their personal best, and got second place in both.

I also heard some bad news this weekend :(

While playing basketball, Kyle fell (got pushed!) and really hurt his knee. He went and saw an urgent care doctor who thinks he may have torn his MCL, ACL, and PCL. He got an MRI and we will hear the results on Monday. Keep your fingers crossed that he doesn't need surgery! Can you tell which on is injured in the picture below??

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